Step 2: Register Your Interest
Registering Your Interest as a Contestant
Before deciding whether to register your interest as a contestant in the Peace Games 2020 you will first need to read the following carefully:
(i) The Bid Document – this explains what the competition involves.
(ii) The Rules of the Peace Games 2020 – you would have to accept these terms and conditions to compete for the annual IPP International Peace Prize.
(iii) The Initial Code of Conduct – you would be requested to agree to abide by this standard of conduct or behaviour. It is, though, voluntary. In future years, the intention is to develop this Code in consultation with stakeholders.
If you then decide you want to compete, the next step is registration. This ensures that IPP can verify your identification, after you submit an outline bid, so that if you (or your team) win an IPP International Peace Prize the Trustees know who has won it and where to send the prize! Crucially the process of registration also means that your outline bid, and any subsequent full bid (if invited by IPP), is anonymous. This will help ensure objectivity by the judges and remove a potential source of bias.
Once you have registered successfully you will be able to login to the IPP entry forms from 24 July 2020 to prepare your outline bid to the competition.