Peace Games 2020
The Peace Games 2020 are a world-leading method of advancing public education in deciding which competing analysis of an international conflict best foresees war or peace.
While the competition is open to everyone who can meet the quality standards, the Peace Games 2020 are likely to be of most interest to postgraduate students in relevant disciplines or undergraduates at an advanced stage of such courses. It is an opportunity to apply your knowledge to a specific conflict area of global concern and develop your analytical abilities and foresight for the public benefit. As a student award scheme, the IPP International Peace Prize totalling GB£10,000 over 2021 to 2023, subject to quality standards, is generous and intended to train up a new generation of analysts whose full bids are judged and then re-assessed annually in the light of real-life events in their respective areas of international conflict. So, the winner in 2021 may not be the same as in 2022 or 2023. Whose analysis will stand the test of time?
The process for entering the Peace Games 2020 is free and anonymised. However, it involves a substantial commitment of time and effort. Rather like entering the Olympic Games! While these Peace Games are not part of the Tokyo Olympics both seek to encourage a culture of peace between the nations. Years of training and hard work are necessary to become very proficient in either Games. Apart from your peers, the pioneer of this form of peace-making, (Dr) Peter Southwood, will provide a competitive and mentoring role. As he has put up the prize money, he is of course ineligible.
Read on for details of how to enter the competition and what the rules are:
Step 1: Eligibility Criteria
Who can enter the Peace Games 2020 and what are the competition criteria?
Step 2: Register Your Interest
If you intend to compete you must first register your interest. This can be done as an individual contestant or as a member of a Team, consisting of a maximum of three persons including a leader. Each Team member must register on their own before disclosing details of the rest of their Team.
Step 3: Prepare Your Outline Bid
Once you have registered then on or after 24 July 2020 you can login to the portal for preparing your submission to the Peace Games 2020.