Step 1: Eligibility Criteria
Who can compete?
The Peace Games 2020 may be of interest to everyone who wants different nations and peoples to live, rather than die, together and resolve their disputes by peaceful, rather than military, means.
In principle, therefore, everyone can be involved. However, just as most people are involved in sport at some period during their lives, most cannot expect to compete in the Olympic or Paralympic Games. Only those capable of the highest levels of performance can compete there.
Nevertheless, when athletes win gold this can and does inspire others to take up the sport. This, in turn, raises its profile and encourages funding for training young people who want to emulate the champions. The same kind of thinking lies behind the Peace Games 2020 which is intended to inspire not only competitors but spectators who may wish to participate in future ‘Games’ locally.
What are the competition criteria?
These Peace Games require contestants to meet three criteria to ensure the quality of submissions which were agreed with the English charity regulator in the early 2000s:
* Technical merit. This refers to your method of understanding all the relevant dimensions of an international conflict, e.g. military, economic and constitutional/political.
* Objective criteria for judging outcomes in conflict areas. This refers to what criteria you use to assess whether your method of understanding a conflict is proved true or false in future e.g. progress towards, or away from, peaceful means of conflict resolution; growing or lessening respect for human rights; or the continuance of an existing, or the establishment of a new, system of government? The ‘Court of history’ is decisive.
* Political balance. Allowing for your own point of view, how well do you represent or take account of the views of those with differing opinions to your own?